Help Change Lives Through Safe Water, Education and Life Changing Mentoring

At Heart for Kids, we believe every child is a gift. By providing education, care, and life skills, we empower disadvantaged children in Asia to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter, faith-filled future.

Millions of children are without safe, drinkable water in their village. They must walk kilometers to fill bottles and jugs then walk home. Children often dont have a school in their village to attend. Help fix these problems.
Children in urban villages and on an outlying island have a Kids Club to attend where they learn many things about their community, family and English.
Children are receiving help to stay in school. Others live in a small family style foster home. Adults with special needs receive helping programs and volunteers come to help in programs. Children are re-writing life stories and their futures are changing.
"I can't imagine how my life would be now..."
Heart for Kids short term teams
A Heart for Kids child who received educational support

Education and Safe Drinking Water are the two best ways lives can be saved and improved physically. We're providing water bores and keeping kids in school. This is turning futures around for children in India, Indonesia and China.

Aslam and his friends had to walk up to 5 kilometres each way every day to fill containers with water from another village. Now they have a safe water bore in their own village.

 Lin Li looked like he would have to leave school at a very young age because of his family’s economic situation.

Help a child from right where you are. Sponsoring a child changes lives

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There are so many people in churches and businesses who want an avenue to serve. We’re a faith based organisation with a desire to serve through connections with local in-country churches where-ever possible. 

We believe we’re called to help meet the physical needs of people living in poverty and abandonment.And when these children and their families are not tied down, not held back, through societies bindings, they are better able to hear a message of love and to grow to be the best, most creative people they can be.

Please reach out to us via our contact page to learn more. 

Our eyes Opened

We walked away really impressed by the work Heart for Kids is doing there. The local project team and all the ayi’s are AMAZING people doing such good work. They are so selfless and have such generous and massive hearts for the kids and the work they do. We were and are still challenged and humbled by their attitudes. This experience also showed us not to underestimate the impact that we can make – sharing our skills, playing with kids, cleaning, we all can do something and we are glad that we did.

Sydney to Asia

Have you ever wondered if there is more for you than simply your 9 to 5 (or 7 to 7) hour day and  “getting the job done”? 

Sydney to China is a short article written in response to a question David is often asked; “You’re a business leader, what led you to start Heart for Kids and ChinaHeart”?

These are David’s experiences in making the leap from business leader to a business leader on a mission. Read the article.

Helping kids re-write life stories and turn around futures

Where possible we work with local churches to help children who have been orphaned, abandoned or are living in extreme poverty. We serve in India, Indonesia and China to help kids rewrite life stories and turn around futures

Safe water bores are currently being installed in 1 village per month.

That keeps between 1300 and 2000 children and family members safe.

We would love to do more.

Old unsafe water pumps

New safe water bores

old village water pump - unsafe
girl in front of safe water tap
Girl in Indonesia project

It's not too late. Help children have safe water and safe places to learn this Christmas - new year