Jacqueline said… having been on the Mercy team a number of times, being asked to share a favourite photo is almost impossible. I have so many favourites. So I am sharing three. It was a wonderful answer to prayer when my daughter J asked to come along and serve on team with me. I am sharing a photo of her cuddling a baby on her first team. Then the two of us (and our two Sponsor children) on her 2nd team visit.
Each team I have served on has been different. Every time, I see God’s hand in how he has chosen and brought the right people. People with the right gifts to serve Him and the children for that particular time. I count it a privilege to be able to go and serve alongside others. To be God’s hands and feet. Bringing love, care and showing those we serve and meet that they are important and matter.
It’s a joy spending time with babies, children and young adults. Having fun together, singing, teaching crafts, bringIng a smile to faces. Loved hearing their laughter as achievements are conquered. These are memories that will stay with me forever. Jacqueline
I found it a bit hard to choose my best photos as there were so many that pointed me to amazing memories. Each one I looked at reminded me of the great and humbling time it was. But anyway here’s what I chose.
The first one is of the team at T House. Young adults are helped with life skills. They are encouraged to be more independent and in some way hopefully enter the workforce. We did a program and then they showed us some of the things they make and sell. I was amazed at the artistic skills a lot of them have.
Halfway across the world and who would have thought I would be helping to teach 90 primary-aged school children for a day. So different from my day-to-day job. It was a challenge but was also very rewarding.
And the final photo, what can I say, Mini-Me!! Well maybe not. This guy stole my heart on my first trip. I was so glad to see him again last time and the progress he has made. Looking forward to being able to go back and see him again. But it would be just as good if I don’t see him. That would mean something so special has happened for him, hopefully joining his Forever Family.
Heart for Kids is a charity registered with the Australian Taxation Office as an income tax exempt charity. Heart for Kids is holder of ABN 77 612 163 265. For tax exemption in other countries please contact us.
Safe water bores are currently being installed in 1 village per month.
That keeps between 1300 and 2000 children and family members safe.
We would love to do more.