Sydney to China is from a short article written in response to a question David is often asked; “you’re a business leader, what led to you founding Heart For Kids and ChinaHeart”. He was asked to capture his story in a brief article for Kingdom Connections Illawarra.
Have you ever seriously considered letting go of the plan for your life that you are holding onto? Your plan for where you want to be or what you want to be doing in 5 or maybe 10 years. I did and I don’t think I’m anything special in doing that.
I had been in business with my father for nearly 15 years when I recognised what my plan was. Dad started a small business many years earlier and it was quite successful. Like most small business people my week involved many more than the regulation 40 hours per week.
This was the requirement so success could eventually be enjoyed. Many days began at 5.30am at the desk at home doing paperwork. Days were hectic, sales calls, tendering and hands on production and product development. Then another few hours back at the desk after others had gone home for dinner with their family.
I began another business in which my wife Beth was more involved. But this was the lifestyle that would allow me to realise my vision. I was enjoying international travel most years, and Beth and I enjoyed plenty of time on the ski fields locally or in New Zealand.
Mixed into this hectic, dare I say, workaholic daily ritual, was an equally heavy workload in our local church. Into the week I also managed to squeeze leadership of two youth groups for many years and other leadership roles in the church at large. So if nights weren’t busy in the office they were equally busy in the church.
My plan was simple:
Things were coming together quite nicely to see that dream realised. Then I made a decision that impacted every part of my dream.
In 1996 I joined a team going to China for two weeks cycling in the southern province of Guangdong. With every rotation of those bike pedals I was peddling further from my planned dream and closer to a whole different reality. During that team and in the weeks that followed, I heard God speak. He was saying there was a new beginning coming and I was to go to Bible College. Beth and I weren’t in agreement for a while but then something changed and we were both hearing God say the same thing. However my father wasn’t hearing that when I went to discuss my resignation from the family business I was then managing.
The next few months were not just tense. The step Beth and I were about to take deeply saddened my father. Dad’s vision for the future of the business was not going to be realised. During the next four years I completed my degree in ministry at Tabor Bible College. Then I waited and wondered what God was going to open up. Some other students had a clear vision of where they wanted to go after graduation, I didn’t. All we knew was I was meant to go to Tabor.
I returned to China in a team with my son to an orphanage in the northwest. Even more change was coming. I was soon asked to lead a team. This became coordinating orphanage teams and this led to re-birthing the mercy ministry in our mission. This was never in my future vision, where was my yacht and sports car?
Going to China three times that year was stressful for Beth who was left managing our business. We felt led to ask a good friend to become our General Manager. It was a “God Thing” and in a few weeks Geoff was sitting at his new desk. He has done a great job with Beth keeping me out of the business and in China. After another couple of years I hired a young man to take over my graphics and marketing work so I could be in the ministry full time. The company has grown along with the ministry.
These twenty plus years have not always been easy. But when you know you are in God’s plan, it’s the only place to be. ChinaHeart’s vision is to help bring change for China’s orphans and children living in poverty, 1 by 1. Our business gave us the platform from which to launch that vision. This greatly reduces overhead costs for Heart For Kids.
Our goal is that 82% of all gifts be allocated to the children’s work in the ministry. That’s the power of a business dedicated to God’s mission. I strongly believe Christian business people should be asking God if they should be using their business in a similar way. Just saying yes to God’s prompt to join a mission team changed the future for Beth, our three children and myself.
David Ryan
B. Min
Pastor with Southern Cross Association of Churches
Founder and Snr. Leader of ChinaHeart International and Heart For Kids
Founder and Managing Director of LST Group
David often speaks with churches, social clubs and other groups and is available to speak with your group please message us.
Heart for Kids is a charity registered with the Australian Taxation Office as an income tax exempt charity. Heart for Kids is holder of ABN 77 612 163 265. For tax exemption in other countries please contact us.
Safe water bores are currently being installed in 1 village per month.
That keeps between 1300 and 2000 children and family members safe.
We would love to do more.