Our volunteers play a valuable role in our ongoing work serving China’s orphans and children in poverty. People with a passionate desire to help orphans are instrumental in helping us make a difference. You can serve outside China and still have impact.
You can volunteer by joining an international team which we run at different times in the year. More information about teams is available here.
A volunteer is defined as “someone providing a service through a formal organisation, by choice, without financial remuneration and for the benefit of the community”. We value our volunteers and what they bring to the Heart For Kids team through their skills, gifts and talents.
You may be interested and have skills in social media, Google Adwords, translating between English / Mandarine / Hindi and if so please message us.
During COVID our opportunities for volunteers has decreased. Sadly teams to China have not been able to operate and events were also not held. But as things begin to change we welcome people who could help us share the world of what Heart for Kids is doing to help these children.
Teams to India have re-commenced and are running around March-April and again around October-November.
To talk about being a volunteer, helping us serve the Heart for Kids family, please use our contact form.
Volunteering benefits the community and the volunteer.
Volunteer work is unpaid.
Volunteering is always a matter of choice.
Volunteering is not compulsorily undertaken to receive pensions or government allowances.
Volunteering is a legitimate way in which citizens can participate in the activities of their community.
Volunteering is a vehicle for individuals or groups to address human, environmental and social needs.
Volunteering is an activity performed in the not for profit sector only.
Volunteering is not a substitute for paid work.
Volunteers do not replace paid workers nor constitute a threat to the job security of paid workers.
Volunteering respects the rights, dignity and culture of others.
Volunteering promotes human rights and equality.
Heart for Kids is a charity registered with the Australian Taxation Office as an income tax exempt charity. Heart for Kids is holder of ABN 77 612 163 265. For tax exemption in other countries please contact us.
Safe water bores are currently being installed in 1 village per month.
That keeps between 1300 and 2000 children and family members safe.
We would love to do more.