How are your gifts and donations used

Gifts and donations are the heart of our work outside the countries in which we serve. We become a conduit for you to effectively help in many desperate situations through the wise and economical use of your gifts and donations.

Only a low percentage are used in administration

Our ongoing goal is to allocate no more than 20% of your gift to our necessary administration or development needs. The long term average is only slightly over 18%. We believe this is a very good percentage which we are proud of.

Your support is never taken for granted. Where your gifts and donations are allocated always happens after a lot of consideration for the individual project and child needs as well as the desires of our supporters.

Finance allocations last financial year

Two children and a co-worker writing a letter
#LetsHelpOneMore children drinking from new water bore

Education and sanitation are the best helps

The benefits of providing clean water for the villages are connected to child health, safety and education. Every $1 invested in water and toilets returns an average of $4 in increased productivity.**

Your gifts and donations are providing education for children living in destitute rural areas. In some areas, there may not be a local school or the school doesn’t want the child to attend. This is often because they feel the child would lower the academic results of the school. In India, we provide local Child Development Centres to help in these situations.

Without some form of scholarship, children would have to leave school. They would grow their meager crops or perhaps find a job washing dishes. Some end up on simple production lines, sadly never to achieve their potential. Another urgent need children have is safe and hygienic drinking water. Your gifts and donations work to provide healthy safe water right in a child’s village. Not a long, painful 3 to 5 kilometer walk with plastic buckets.

Thank you for your gifts and donations because they are making an impact in children’s lives. They are helping kids re-write life stories and turning around futures.

Donate now
Sponsor a child
Provide safe water

** Disease Control Priorities, third edition (volume 2), 2016
**WHO, 2012
Where an appeal is oversubscribed we do reserve the right to allocate funds given above the actual needs for that project to another are in need.
Last updated May 13, 2021

Lets Talk

We’d love to keep in touch with occasional news

Safe water bores are currently being installed in 1 village per month.

That keeps between 1300 and 2000 children and family members safe.

We would love to do more.

Old unsafe water pumps

New safe water bores

old village water pump - unsafe
girl in front of safe water tap
Tent Village Children

Your Christmas gift of $277 will educate a child in a tent village for a year