Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions are being updated regularly.

There are also topics covered in other pages, such as leadership, teams etc. This questions page is not intended to repeat information on all these other pages but to provide a little more detail about a specific question asked of us.

If you can’t see the question you’d like answered you can ask via our contact page.


Child sponsorship (2)

Please click here for information about updating your credit card details

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Updated on: 

It helps us better understand our supporters. We may even send you a birthday card 🙂

Tag: sponsor
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General Heart For Kids questions (16)

Updated on: 

Thanks for deciding to support the work with Heart For Kids through a bequest. We are registered with the Australian Charities & Not For Profits Commission (ACNC).

Name: Heart for Kids Australia Ltd
Charity ABN: 77612163265
Address: 109 Bonds Road, Punchbowl, NSW 2196

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In the past we have run what we’re called Boutique Teams. This is where a church has formed a team with it’s own leader and we have organised the logistics of the program and guidance by our in-China staff. The team leadership must follow our guidance on cultural issues and activities as you are seen as a Heart For Kids team by local projects and venue personnel.

These teams are still very hands on teams where you will be involved in the daily activities of the children. They are not teams where a group could simply come and view whats happeneing.

Boutique team dates can usually be set to work in with the church however we need to space teams out so our in-country staff can cope.

Boutique these teams are only available in China at this time due to the circumstances and school requirements of the children in our homes and projects in other countries.

Tag: team
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Updated on: 

Hi, I went through your website and I really appreciate the work you guys are doing and helping kids from different nations to get a better standard of living. I have a question in my mind that if I want to feed the orphans who are located in your orphanage at the moment, so how do I do that. Or if I want to spend a day together with the kids and feed them and donate some toys/clothes then how do i do that. What is the process of doing that? My birthday is nearing soon so i want to help kids by feeding them or buying them some gifts which might make them happy. Please let me know how to do that.

Hi Amrit. Thanks for asking about helping out. At the moment, in the middle of this COVID-19 year, it’s not possible to visit our Doves Wings foster home or any orphanages. Government regulations prevent that so a safe environment is built to protect the children. However your help donating to provide food for the kids in Doves Wings or food parcels for kids in India would be much appreciated. You can donate through our donations page

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You can choose to donate or sponsor via our secure donation page

You can also donate via bank transfer. Bank account details are on our Resources page but please email and let us know when you do this as often banks do not include very clear information in their transfer reference.

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Updated on: 

Details are on our contact page

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Please click here for information about updating your credit card details

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Our aim is to send at least 83% of donations through to the projects and this has been achieved. It does naturally cost money to run an organisation or ministry but we have a high value in keeping these administrative costs to a minimum.

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Updated on: 

We love it when people ask about volunteering and using their expertise to help the kids in our programs. We’ve had people with various professional skills offer to visit for 1 week upwards. Most times this is possible. The best thing is to email [email protected] telling us about yourself and your experience so we can have a conversation about it.

Tag: volunteer
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Updated on: 

It helps us better understand our supporters. We may even send you a birthday card 🙂

Tag: sponsor
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Updated on: 

Yoke asks a really great question. Any opportunity for my involvement as volunteer online, Chinese-English bilingual translation? Thanks. I’m a Singaporean Chinese. 

We do have a translation team. Your details will be sent on to our T Team leader who will be in touch.

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Heart For Kids is a Christian organisation. Very early in our existence we believed a key verse for us is James 1:27 where God calls us to care for the poor, widows and orphaned. We believe children thrive in families and love seeing them adopted where they have no family. We believe in Psalm 68’s description of God as Father of the fatherless.

We believe in practical service.  We exist to bring relief to children’s  physical, emotional and spiritual needs. 

If you visit our resources page you can download our statement of beliefs.


Whats next

Tags: belief, faith
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Updated on: 

Not sure about this question. Perhaps Ahmedhamouda would like to reach out to us via our contact form and help us understand. Volunteers come and serve with us. They cover their costs in doing so. We help make arrangements for their stay and organise logistics on their behalf.

Tag: volunteer
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Our international office is located in Sydney Australia. This is the home city of our Founder / CEO David Ryan and our Board of Directors. We do have direct representatives in the east and west areas of the USA.


Whats next

Tag: location
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Heart For Kids was founded by David Ryan who is also our CEO. Supporting David is an active board of two men whose wives also play a valuable and active role. More information about our governance can be found at our Leadership page.

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We take personal information security very seriously. For this reason, we handle all child letters directly and ask that you not share your personal contact information with your child.

Your letters are sent to the Australian office and then to your child’s country. Sharing your personal contact information can put you and your child at risk.

Some sponsors in other organisations who have shared their personal contact information have received solicitations for money from people claiming to be friends or family members of their sponsored child. There have also been situations where children have been placed at risk in their communities due to their direct contact with a sponsor from the developing world.

We cannot protect you or your child unless we are able to monitor the correspondence process.


Whats next?

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This is a great question. Here is the Why, What and How of our ministry.


No matter what country or what physical circumstances they are in, children deserve to know Jesus and other people love them, and to have opportunity to grow to be the person they were created to be.


By supporting and defending orphans and widows as spoken of in scripture and connecting those who are able to give of themselves, sharing love as spoken of by Jesus, with those who are in need


We offer physical, emotional and spiritual care through foster homes, sponsorships, mentoring and orphanage support, and provide opportunities for people to come and share in this experience, with an end result that the children’s lives are improved.

Heart For Kids is a small, very hands on, organisation. Due to strategic partnerships with supporters we are able to save greatly on administration costs which means we can send a larger percentage of gifts to the child. We are a Christian based ministry seeking to always serve in culturally appropriate ways in each country.

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Letters to sponsored children (1)

We take personal information security very seriously. For this reason, we handle all child letters directly and ask that you not share your personal contact information with your child.

Your letters are sent to the Australian office and then to your child’s country. Sharing your personal contact information can put you and your child at risk.

Some sponsors in other organisations who have shared their personal contact information have received solicitations for money from people claiming to be friends or family members of their sponsored child. There have also been situations where children have been placed at risk in their communities due to their direct contact with a sponsor from the developing world.

We cannot protect you or your child unless we are able to monitor the correspondence process.


Whats next?

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Helping kids re-write life stories and turn around futures

Safe water bores are currently being installed in 1 village per month.

That keeps between 1300 and 2000 children and family members safe.

We would love to do more.

Old unsafe water pumps

New safe water bores

old village water pump - unsafe
girl in front of safe water tap
Girl in Indonesia project

It's not too late. Help children have safe water and safe places to learn this Christmas - new year