Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions are being updated regularly.

There are also topics covered in other pages, such as leadership, teams etc. This questions page is not intended to repeat information on all these other pages but to provide a little more detail about a specific question asked of us.

If you can’t see the question you’d like answered you can ask via our contact page.


General Heart For Kids questions (1)

In the past we have run what we’re called Boutique Teams. This is where a church has formed a team with it’s own leader and we have organised the logistics of the program and guidance by our in-China staff. The team leadership must follow our guidance on cultural issues and activities as you are seen as a Heart For Kids team by local projects and venue personnel.

These teams are still very hands on teams where you will be involved in the daily activities of the children. They are not teams where a group could simply come and view whats happeneing.

Boutique team dates can usually be set to work in with the church however we need to space teams out so our in-country staff can cope.

Boutique these teams are only available in China at this time due to the circumstances and school requirements of the children in our homes and projects in other countries.

Tag: team
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Pre-Team questions (7)

Updated on: 

Our accommodation is in a hotel registered for foreigners. It’s not normal for hotels in China to provide a guest laundry, therefore any clothes washing you choose to do will be in the bathroom basin. Sometimes the hotel may have a drying rack but again this can’t be guaranteed. So please take this into account when choosing the clothes you bring. One person mentioned they probably would not bring denim in future because it takes a long time to dry and if drips on carpet can leave a stain.

There are a couple of laundry shops nearby however earlier team members who have explored this option found them to be expensive.

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Modesty is the word while on any of our teams. Gents replace your short shorts with below the knees shorts. Ladies no tank tops or similar please. While you may see more western style standards creeping into society, especially downtown in the CBD area, “conservative non-revealing” best describes the preferred style for our teams. One team member said “long pants, tops / T shirts, nothing fancy”.

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Volunteer teams generally run three times per year. Team members have come from many countries. You’ll need to contact us for an application form then submit that and your deposit. Team contributions are payable 4 weeks before the team and include expenses in China once you are picked up at the airport through to the end of your team and returning to the airport.

Tags: team, volunteer
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Team contributions are different in different countries.

The contribution to join a China team in 2017 is $AUD1150 per person. This includes your land costs once you are met at the airport to when your team has finished. It doesn’t include personal snacks or souvenirs or personal travel like taxis to go shopping etc. Neither does it cover the travel expenses getting to China such as flights, visa or any vaccinations you may like to have.

Team contributions in India and Indonesia depend on the team length and activities but so far have been lower than China teams.

Tags: cost, team
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Updated on: 

Teams will usually visit a variety of projects depending on circumstances and the country the team is serving in.

In China activities will include our Doves Wings foster home, orphanages and partner programs. Team members run the activities which may include crafts, games, songs, plays, English teaching.

In India we again run a varied program of games, crafts, sports and may even have a special event like going to a movie.

In Indonesia a team would be different again as we’re serving young adults in that environment.

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Updated on: 

Each year team dates vary. Generally we anticipate running a team to India in April. Teams to China are normally in July and October. Teams to Indonesia are more flexible.

You can see more information and link to the latest team dates brochure at our teams page.

Teams usually run for 2 weeks.

Tags: dates, team, travel
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Currently you should be able to access WiFi at least in the lobby of the hotels we use. Some hotels are changing from cable internet to WiFi but nothing is ever totally dependable. Some hotels occasionally have a computer in the lobby. You should never assume these are secure.

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Helping kids re-write life stories and turn around futures

Safe water bores are currently being installed in 1 village per month.

That keeps between 1300 and 2000 children and family members safe.

We would love to do more.

Old unsafe water pumps

New safe water bores

old village water pump - unsafe
girl in front of safe water tap
Girl in Indonesia project

It's not too late. Help children have safe water and safe places to learn this Christmas - new year