A Heart for the Vulnerable: From Teaching in China to Sponsoring Children in Need
While teaching English in China, I often met up with David Ryan and the H4K teams that were visiting that city. I saw first-hand the good work they were doing and the resulting impact they had on the children, the local carers and others involved. The way their work positively impacted children in poverty
It may seem unthinkable to us, as Christians to give up our child but for various reasons, some did (and do). Wanting to share this demonstration of God’s love for the vulnerable, I opted to sponsor two children: one Chinese and later, one Indian child.
Years later, after leaving the country, I continued to receive the H4K’s newsletter and the images moved me deeply. So much so, that even though I was unemployed, I determined to find out if there was room for me on a team, and hopefully, even visit my supported child.
Beyond Poverty: Witnessing Hope in the Midst of Hardship
I was born in South Africa, so I know poverty and expected such. I had seen so many children in poverty in my own country. But what I wasn’t prepared for was abject poverty. One image that will remain seared in my mind is visiting a CDC class, on a rooftop, where the children sat on rice sacks on the hard concrete floor. The constant buzzing of flies, due to the proximity of cows in the fields, would send most Westerners scurrying for the door. Yet, there we encountered young teachers, who looked like recent graduates themselves, attempting to instil discipline and knowledge into these forgotten children – because God sees them and loves them!
Joy, Perseverance, and a Greater Purpose: A Mission Worth Returning For
Often, in the days that followed as we went from school to school, and met the teachers and children, I saw the perseverance to overcome, and the joy and fun the kids had as we sang with them, and played simple balloon games with them, or did “John says” games (our twist on Simon Says due to our leader being John), I’d catch myself swallow a lump and brushing tears from my eyes.
There is a spiritual battle going on for the hearts and souls of these young people. If I can, I will return to play a small part. Importantly, the teachers are encouraged by knowing people are praying for them and value them, and for the children, the cycle of poverty and ignorance is broken. Best of all, they have an opportunity to hear the Good News of the Gospel and, if they choose, to meet their Lord and Saviour.
What about you? Perhaps you’re too comfortable at home, and need to go and see? If you can’t go, why not support a child, or two, or more?
The Lord bless you for caring.
Cape Town, South Africa.
Ps. Through this partnership in India, to the start of 2025, Heart for Kids has provided funding for 5 Child Development Centres, 53 safe water bores in villages, 10 women’s tailoring schools, and around 8,000 food parcels during the COVID pandemic
Heart for Kids is a charity registered with the Australian Taxation Office as an income tax exempt charity. Heart for Kids is holder of ABN 77 612 163 265. For tax exemption in other countries please contact us.
Safe water bores are currently being installed in 1 village per month.
That keeps between 1300 and 2000 children and family members safe.
We would love to do more.