Electrical adaptors?
You will probably need an adapter. The electrical supply may be a different voltage from your home country. You should check a website like this one which has world electricity information.
For confirmed and past team members
You will probably need an adapter. The electrical supply may be a different voltage from your home country. You should check a website like this one which has world electricity information.
Part of the team experience is not having the distractions of home, so regular email contact with home is not encouraged. While some organisations actually say no to doing emails and using devices while on team we are OK about …
We strongly recommend fasting from technology while on team. This allows you the space to be fully engaged with the activities going on with the children and your own feelings through this time which can be quite challenging. We do …
We wont be doing much hiking or similar activities so just general-purpose comfortable shoes are needed. In China shoes are often removed when entering an apartment or child care area. Closed shoes are best for team activities. A team member …
There is no problem with you bringing your personal Bible with you.
Yes if you would like to bring good quality items they will always be used. Keep in mind that clothes are usually cheaper to buy in China than our home countries though. Some other items like skin creams etc may …
Generally no but some people do like to bring an apron. If a team is doing painting etc we’ll let you know in advance. Some people have also brought a couple of pairs of thin gloves. It’s personal choice.